The past two weeks have been a bit crazy in our house! As we anticipated the birth of Phoenix, Grandma Tessie and Aunt Lysie traveled to Wilmington to help out for the week. We are so happy that they were here to share in this exciting time. They cooked, cleaned, helped with errands and Stella's activities, and pampered me with massages and pedicures. It was sooo nice!
Stella & Tessie before a day of shopping! |
Tuesday, May 8th, we spent the morning on the beach. While there,
Stella played, Daddy surfed, Tessie & Lysie relaxed, and Mommy
walked and walked and walked hoping to get labor going. Little did we
know that we would be going to the hospital that night!
Playing on the beach while Mommy started to go into labor! |
On Wednesday, May 9th at 8:20 in the morning,
we welcomed Phoenix O'Neil Reid into our family. He entered the world
weighing 8 lbs 4 oz (2 lbs MORE than his sister) and measuring 20 inches
long. He is perfect and healthy, and we couldn't ask for more!
Stella has adjusted to life as a big sister quite well. She says some funny things every now and then like, "Mom, when Phoenix turns into a girl can we paint her toenails?" Or, "When Phoenix turns into a girl can she wear a tutu?" We have had to remind her several times that Phoenix is NOT going to turn into a girl, so she won't have to share her nail polish or her tutus. That seems to satisfy her for the time being.
Phoenix is a GREAT baby! We've already started putting him on a schedule per "The Baby Whisperer," and it is proving beneficial because we are getting solid four-hour stretches of sleep at night. He seems to be content living within our crazy world and is very chill. So far, his least favorite activities are baths and diaper changes. He loves his paci and being swaddled tightly.
We were discharged from the hospital on Friday,
May 11th and were excited to go home and get settled. His first night
home was predictable and calm. Thanks SOOO much to Grandma Tessie and
Auntie K for the Fisher Price Rock-n-Play Sleeper! That cradle combined
with the swaddling and the paci have afforded us a lot more sleep than
we ever got with Stella as a newborn! It is truly a lifesaver, and we
would recommend it to ANYONE!
Mommy meeting her sweet boy! Phoenix O'Neil Reid - 8 lbs 4 oz 20 inches |
Daddy snuggling with Phoenix who looks so much like Stella as a newborn. |
Big Sister Stella is in LOVE with her little brother! |
Grandma Tessie takes a look. |
Stella is so good at holding "her baby." |
Aunt Lysie meets Phoenix |
Such a sweet boy! |
Stella couldn't be more excited! |
"Just Born!" |
TWO KIDS?!?! |
We were soooo ready to go home - car ride home at 9:30 p.m. |
Stella stayed awake to greet us! |
First family of four photo - we're all exhausted! |
Daddy with his two kids!?! |
Stella is such a big helper and loves to hold Phoenix. |
On Mother's Day, we decided to attempt our
first excursion out of the house. The plan was to do some shopping
downtown on the river walk followed by lunch. Honestly, the whole trip
was a complete success! Lunch at Mixto was FREE for moms (BONUS!), and
both kids cooperated the entire time. Our second excursion out,
however, was not as successful, but I think we were overly ambitious!
Auntie K with her niece and nephew on Mother's Day. | |
Family photo on the Cape Fear River - Mother's Day |
Auntie K enjoyed doing the girlie activities with Stella. What a FUN auntie!! |
Another cute photo of Auntie K and her niece and nephew. |
Mommy, Mini-Mommy, and Phoenix. |
Such a sweet face! |
After bath - of which he is NOT a fan! |
One week old! |
Snuggling with Daddy |
Starting to tolerate the bath a bit more! |
Thank goodness for the cradle and the swaddle!! |
| |
The dogs: "ANOTHER ONE!?" |
Just relaxin'! |
Day Nine and she is still a fan! |
Sweet kisses from a sweet girl to a sweet boy! |
life as a family of four (or six if you count the dogs) has been
treating us very well. Thankfully, we have great friends who are
bringing us meals, and because we are both off of work, we can really
focus on getting into a routine and figuring all of this out! Don't be
surprised, however, if the blog posts become infrequent until life
becomes less chaotic!