We had such a great time on Easter Sunday! The Easter Bunny was very generous to you and brought you a kite, some gardening tools, a memory game, sidewalk chalk, and some candy. You were definitely the most excited by the candy and consumed way more than we would have preferred, but it was a special occasion!
After opening your Easter gifts, we went to the neighbors' house (LaFaves) for an egg hunt. You absolutely love Lily, so followed her around to find eggs. She was so sweet to you and gave you many of her eggs.
Because it was a beautiful morning, we decided that we would spend the day at the beach. We went with the LaFaves and you have lots of fun with Lily and Louis. All in all, it was a great day!
Whenever your dad is working on the computer, you are always so eager to help him. Sometimes, you will scootch onto his lap and insist that you are "working," too. This particular night, Daddy let you do some work, but first you had to put your name on your paper. After spelling "Stella," you also spelled mommy, daddy, Mona, and Sullivan. I have a feeling that when you are in school, "putting pen to paper" will be an act of the past....
Today we celebrated the beautiful weather and the coming of spring with our great friends! You participated in a FUN Easter Egg Hunt with your little buddies, and then we enjoyed some play time and lunch.
Here you are determined to break free into the backyard to gather your eggs! Daddy caught you!
And you're off!!
You found one!
So did Everlee!!
Eating lunch with your friends!
This video is really funny because your friend Everlee was so generous in sharing her eggs with you. Then, if you look closely, you can see that you eagerly tried to retrieve another egg, only you completely missed your basket! Haha!