Your latest obsession is dressing up in multiple layers of clothing! It is so funny to see what kind of outfit you'll put together, though there are a few articles that you clearly consider to be "staples." Your pink polka dot skirt and three tutus are always a part of the ensemble. This particular evening you were wearing three bathing suits around your waist (under the tutus), your rain boots, your favorite turtle t-shirt from JI, and your safari hat from Everlee's birthday party. You proudly walked out of your room, purse in hand, and proclaimed, "I'm ready for work!" It made me wonder what my 7th grade students would think if I came to work dressed like that!!
I love your personality these days. Although you can definitely act like a typical two-year-old, your sense of humor and disposition make me realize how lucky I am to be your mom!
One of your favorite books right now is called "A Surprise for Stella Squeak." It is the story of a sweet little mouse named Stella who is a very selfless and genuine friend. She is always willing to help her friends no matter what.
The other night, Daddy put together this video of pictures from the day you were born until now. He is playing the guitar, Mommy is reading the story, and you, of course, are commenting on the pictures and asking TONS of questions!
Obviously, the older you get, the more independent you become. You were so excited the other day when you got yourself dressed, went potty, and brushed your teeth all by yourself. So what if you're wearing your pj shirt, your bathing suit top around your waist, and your tutu! I think Tessie would be super-proud of your dental hygiene, too!!
The other night during dinner, you decided you would serenade me and your dad with all of the songs in your repertoire. Though I would love to post ALL of them, here is a montage that Daddy put together. You don't like it when I call you "Drama," but how could I not??
For about the past 30 years or so, my family has been vacationing on a small island off the coast of Georgia called Jekyll Island. Though we don't make it every year, this year we did along with all but TWO family members (Mallory & Marc - we missed you). Here are the stats (stolen from my sister's blog):
Destination: Jekyll Island, GA (one of the Sea Islands) Attendees: 43 family and friends Countries represented: United States, Mexico, Japan Generations: 4 Duration: 1 week Alcohol Consumed: unknown Fun Had: immeasurable
For the most part, we spent the week just playing on the beach and in the swimming pools. Stella was definitely in heaven the entire time. Give that girl a shovel, some sand, and a bucket and she's entertained for hours! Playing in the waves with Keagan and looking for buried treasure were definitely highlights of the trip! Enjoy these photos! Until next time.....
Striking a pose with their fishing nets!
Kohen loved the sand and was such a happy boy all week!
Keagan was one cool surfer dude!
Papaw with the kiddos! Alan managed to get Keagan in this photo!
Silly faces!! These two played so well together!
Stella and Tessie
The kids had so much fun chasing Papaw on the beach!
Look at that cool treasure map! Going on a treasure hunt, going on a treasure hunt!
Wow!! Those pirates left a pretty cool chest filled with all sorts of goodies!!
Proud grandparents and happy kids with their treasures!
Stella & Keagan had movie night every night!!
She didn't win a single race on the beach - but she definitely had fun crossing the finish line!
She wasn't in the mood for a picture, but this is the only family one we have on the beach!
Resting up and fueling up!
The following photos were taken at the north end of the island. Alan took a bike ride up there and got some amazing shots!