Papaw & Tessie came to NC for Thanksgiving and we had a great time! Mommy and Tessie (well, mostly Tessie) made a traditional Thanksgiving feast that we enjoyed, and then the rest of the weekend was devoted to shopping, visiting Santa, decorating the house for the holidays, and watching Christmas movies. Also, our elf, Dudley, started dropping by to keep track of your behavior! It has become very clear that Christmas through your eyes is going to be MAGICAL!
It was a beautiful morning and Daddy wanted to surf, so why not spend some time digging in the sand? There's nothing like cold water and fresh, salty air to make the day perfect! We're so happy that you love your time at the beach!
This year we decided to check out the kite festival that is held on Wrightsville Beach, and I'm so glad we did! You absolutely LOVED all of the kites and enjoyed running around on the beach to get a close look at them.
Look at all those kites!
That's one big fish!
Strike a pose!
Photo with Mommy!
Photo with Daddy!
These kites were AMAZING and HUGE! Some of the owners told us that many of the kites cost MORE than 10k dollars! Though I can think of a LOT of other ways in which I would spend 10k dollars, I'm glad these people chose kites because your enthusiasm was priceless!
Though Mommy is having a baby boy, you insisted from the very beginning that I was having a baby girl. You are starting to understand that it is a boy baby in my tummy, but I think the concept is hard for you to grasp. You don't quite see how I can be a girl, but have a boy in my belly, and because you are so obsessed with who is a boy and who is a girl these days, it is confusing you a bit!
You are so sweet with the baby and have already asked if you can help feed the baby, change the baby's diaper, and hold the baby. I have a feeling that you are going to be a great helper and do whatever is needed. This little boy is so lucky to have you as his big sister!