Today you attended "Kangaroo Kapers!" This is a big-sibling class offered by the hospital to teach big siblings how to help their mommies and daddies once their baby brothers/sisters are born. You were so excited to go to your "Big Sister Class," and I think you learned a lot. The teachers showed you how to change the baby's diaper, feed the baby, burp the baby, swaddle the baby, and hold the baby. Though I think we will likely do most of those tasks, it was great for you to see how much attention a newborn baby requires. I think you are going to be such a great helper!!!
The best part about the class was that you got to see where Mommy and Daddy are going to be when your baby brother is born. You got to take a peek at the newborns in the nursery, too! I think you are definitely ready to be a big sister, and we can't wait to watch you take on this new role!
Listening intently to your teacher.
Learning how to change the baby's diaper
Sooo proud of your diaper change!!
Officially certified "BIG SISTER!"