Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dear Kohen! And Many More!

How fast a year goes! We can hardly believe sweet Kohen is ONE!? To celebrate, we traveled to Ohio for the weekend. It was a quick trip, but well worth it to see this little cowboy celebrate in style! You always have so much fun with your cousins, and it is always good to see everyone and catch up.

The cowboy himself - in his cowboy jammies!

Uncle Gator and the birthday boy!

Grandma Tessie with big brother Keagan who was
not at ALL thrilled about having to wear this shirt.

You in your cowgirl gear. You had a blast!

Kohen thought it was pretty funny when everyone was singing!

And the cake was yummy, too!

You & Lucy play well together.

Hmm...what is she eating? Trail mix, of course!

Keagan is gaming!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fun with Daddy

You and Daddy always have so much fun together. He is always willing to play silly games with you, and you think he is absolutely hysterical. Here is a video of you playing "The Mirror Game" with Daddy:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Best Friends

Recently, you have been seriously attached to your stuffed elephant, whom you lovingly refer to as "Ellie." You have another stuffed friend named "Stripes," but don't show him nearly as much love as you show Ellie. In fact, you often punish Stripes with time-outs when you and Ellie are playing together. I asked you last night if Ellie was your best friend, and you said, "Yes!" without hesitation. Later that night when I went in your room to check on you, you were holding Ellie's hand as you slept. It was seriously so sweet.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Happy Fat Tuesday!! We had so much fun celebrating the holiday with our friends Everlee & Nicole at Chic-fil-A. I was pleasantly surprised at how fun and well-organized the "event" was! You were able to eat a good dinner, enjoy a free sundae, participate in a treasure hunt, decorate a mask, and get your face painted! I was completely shocked that you sat there long enough for the nice woman to paint your face. It only took her a few minutes, and I just couldn't get over how cute you looked! When we got home, you ran into the house to show your dad and yelled, "Look at my face!" You were so proud of it. When bath time came you were sad to see the paint go down the drain, but we'll surely get your face painted again soon!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just Beachy...

It seems as though winter is on the way out and spring is here to stay! We've had quite a few nice days, and have started to embrace more and more time outside. Sunday afternoon we went to the beach and took Mona (it was her turn). Although it was a bit windy, you had all sorts of fun playing and making sand angels (who needs snow?!). :-)