Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Time-Out (and not the athletic kind)

I know I should be happy that my child is such a great eater and prefers to eat steamed spinach and blueberries over hot dogs and grilled cheese, but when I cook dinner, I really want her to eat it! Last night's dinner was a BATTLE! I always present Stella with a protein, a veggie, and a fruit. Of course, she eats the veggies first, then the fruit, followed by chicken (if we're lucky). Last night's choice was shredded BBQ chicken and cheese quesadillas. Yummy, right? Well, Stella found it more fun to throw her chicken across the room. After one stern warning, she laughed at me and threw it again. Then, she went immediately to time-out where she giggled and made silly noises. Alan and I did our best to ignore her and not laugh back. At this point, it was still funny. Typically, it only takes one or two times in time-out for Stella to get the point. Last night, she NEVER got the point. The child was in time-out over seven times. Each time she was put back in her high chair, she threw more food. By about the tenth time, Alan and I had both given up, Stella was crying so hard that she couldn't have eaten had she wanted to, and the dogs had bellies full of BBQ chicken and tortillas. I didn't expect her to eat the chicken, I just didn't want her to throw it! Am I expecting too much of a 17-month old?

The reason I struggle with this is because I refuse to be Stella's personal chef. I want her to eat what we eat. I don't want her to learn that if she throws her food, I will present her with different options. I don't want her to learn that throwing food is an appropriate reaction to not preferring a certain food choice. Sooo, do I just let her starve? Do I give her more of the other options that I know she likes and will eat? Am I being too type-A, controlling, obsessive? I know I should choose my battles, but healthy nutrition is very important to me. Alan and I are not picky eaters and I don't want to create one! Maybe I'm just a horrible cook.....

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