The title of this post is intended to show that although my child is quite girlie (asks for a bow in her hair upon waking in the morning), she is also a little dare-devil who has no fear and ends up with quite a few boo-boos. This little lady trips and falls constantly (Oops?! Could she have inherited this "grace" from me?) and has the skinned knees and boo-boos to prove it. I'm also ashamed to admit (but will for the sake of documentation) that she still bites her fingernails and has, on occasion, been caught biting her TOENAILS! I KNOW!!!!! GROSS!!!!! It doesn't matter how many times I tell her it is ka-ka, she grins and continues to do it. She definitely knows what drives me nuts. I think we're going to be breaking out the socks a little early this fall...
On a much less revolting note, I'm excited to report that Stella now has enough hair for BRAIDS!! Want to know what is even MORE exciting? She actually sat still long enough for me to do them!
We made a quick trip to Ohio to celebrate the Baptism of Kohen and the birthday of Keagan. Because we probably won't see the Rouse family until Christmas, we had to get in lots of snuggles, kisses, and hugs. Stella LOVES her cousins and talks about them daily, so it breaks my heart that they don't get to play together more often. While we were there, we did have a play-date with my best girlfriends' kiddos, too.
Seriously the sweetest words I have ever heard come from a child's mouth. For the longest time, Stella would just blow kisses to show she was saying "I love you." Now she actually says it, and I CAN'T get enough!!
Since Alan has been working a LOT this summer, we have been taking our trips to the beach in the evenings. This has turned out to be our favorite activity because (a) it's not too crowded, (b) it's not too hot, and (c) we have so much fun together. Stella still loves collecting seashells and she still loves swimming, too. One particular night we were just going to the beach for a walk. We were NOT going to let Stella get all sandy and gross because she had already had her bath and was ready for bed. Needless to say, that wasn't happening. She had a different agenda. How dare we take her to the "ohfeen" and NOT let her play?!?! Sooo...we were definitely those people who let their kid run around half-naked. It doesn't matter, she was having the time of her life and so were we. An nice old lady even noticed our fun and offered to take a family photo!
We LOVE with the Barnes Family asks us to keep Jack because Stella is absolutely OBSESSED with him. Not quite sure why. He's not very nice to her, and she has two dogs that are stealing her toys all of the time, but nonetheless, she gets stoked whenever Jack comes to stay. The problem is, Jack is not a fan of Stella. He has never growled, bitten, or done anything mean to her, but it is clear that he could do without her "affection."
Stella's good friend Everlee turned two on July 2nd and celebrated with a mermaid-themed birthday party! She has a pool in her backyard, so it was so much fun and a beautiful day! We love the Millers and are so happy to have them as our friends!
For the past two summers, Alan has worked on Bald Head Island at an adventure-rental-type of company. They rent out golf carts, kayaks, sailboats, etc. Alan does surf lessons or kayak tours, and gets to spend his days enjoying the beauty that is BHI. He always comes home and talks about how gorgeous it is and how we need to go there for a day. So, FINALLY we decided to go. We both had the day off, the weather was supposed to be perfect, so we made plans to make it happen.
Bald Head Island is an island off of the coast of North Carolina. The only way to get there is by boat (or ferry), and there are no cars on the island. This is the island where Kate Gosselin has taken her brood for the past two summers (Alan saw her there this weekend, but that's another story). Anyway, we knew that it was going to be a PROCESS to get there for the day, but we also knew it would be worth it. The night before we were to go, we packed a cooler of drinks and snacks, and a bag of clothes, suits, sunblock, and towels. We wanted to be able to hit the road early in the morning so we could take advantage of the entire day. This was what the schedule looked like:
8:00 a.m. - Depart the Reids' home
8:30 a.m. - Drop off the Jeep at the dealership to get the stinkin' window fixed.
8:45 a.m. - Depart the dealership and drive to Southport to catch the BHI ferry.
9:45 a.m. - Arrive at ferry to learn we JUST missed the 9:30 boat (stinkin' Jeep).
9:45-10:30 - Wait for the next ferry.....and take photos:
11:00 - Arrive at BHI and get a golf cart to use for the day..and take photos:
11:30 - 1:00 - Play on the beach...and take photos:
1:00 - 2:00 - Check out some beach shops, eat some ice cream...and take photos:
2:00 - 3:00 - Explore the island on the golf cart.
3:00 - 3:30 - Wait for the ferry to take us back to Southport...and take a snooze:
4:00 - 5:00 - Drive back to Wilmington, pick up Jeep, and go home!!
We definitely spent AS MUCH, if not MORE time en route to BHI than we actually got to spend ON the island, but it was SO much fun. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was and Stella had such a good time riding on the golf cart and playing on the beach. I'm so glad that we took the time to go for the day because we made great memories, and now I know where I want to buy a retirement home!
I'm not quite sure why I hadn't given Stella an apple yet, but I wish I hadn't waited so long. She LOVES them. She'll bite right into one, or eat it sliced. She doesn't mind the skin, either! A day or so after she had her first apple, Alan was eating one. She asked him, "What's that?" He responded, "An apple." She replied, clear as day, "Oh. I eat apples." It was sooo funny! I love that she's starting to form sentences and string words together. It's too cute.
So, a few weeks ago (obviously), my friend Nicole gave Stella a pair of bright teal converse sneakers! Nicole found them at a consignment sale and I was so jealous of them because they are super cute. She promised me that once her daughter (Everlee) had out-grown them, Stella could borrow them! I was so excited when she passed them along. They really are coveted by all of our friends who have little girls, so we're just going to keep passing them along! Well, that day Stella also decided to express herself through her clothing and this is what she wore for the majority of the day:
It looks like you guys have had a great summer! I can't believe how big she has gotten. She looks like a little girl instead of a baby! The pictures are great!