Recently, Grandma Tessie & Papaw Keith came to visit. We spent a LOT of time on the beach - during the day playing, and at night listening to live music at the tiki bar. A fun time was had by all!
She really does LOVE to be buried in the sand!
First piece of corn on the cob!
Stella's 21-month-old Stats:
Favorites: Playing outside with chalk, playing outside in "Yellya's car," watching elmo, reading books, trying on Mommy's shoes, eating goldfish, napping, her paci, her "ki-ki."
Other milestones: Stella can now open the pantry door, her bedroom closet, and close the other doors in the house. I think we are nearing the next phase of baby-proofing! She also LOVES to dance and asks for specific songs to be played. Her favorite songs are the ones that are personalized with her name. I'm amazed every time she sings along! She knows certain parts of certain songs and joins in. In addition to her "Yellya songs," she loves to listen to Dr. Dog with Daddy. Obviously, he LOVES that.
Daddy Daycare Fridays are back in the weekly routine, and I know Stella loves her days with Alan as much as he loves them with her. They are always doing something fun, whether it is a trip to the beach or to Home Depot!
As our summer days drift away, we are looking forward to everything that comes with the fall season. Our calendar is filling up quickly with plans of Halloween parties and trips to the pumpkin patch!
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