Can you hear the song? This Little Light is one of your favorite songs to sing these days. You ask for it in the car and sing it to your babies. The way you say, "shine," is so stinkin' cute. I can't get enough of it, so I play it whenever you ask for it. You are really good at remembering song lyrics: a talent your dad says you got from me. What he doesn't know is that we listen to the same songs OVER and OVER again. Well, maybe he does know....
Anyway, you are all about singing these days. Other than This Little Light, you enjoy the following tunes: The Wheels on the Bus, John the Rabbit (yes, ma'am), This Train is Bound for Glory, Can You Catch the Moon, Train's Hey, Hey, and Dr. Dog's Down, Down. I have no idea if those are the actual titles of the songs, but that is how you refer to them!
Funny moment from this morning: we were leaving for school/Tina's and we went through the garage. You saw a paint tray on the ground and said, "Oh. Hi, paint! Paint is not safe. No, no, paint." Back story: Your dad painted our bedroom this weekend (two different times), and you were not allowed in the room while he painted because of the fumes and your need to TOUCH EVERYTHING. We kept telling you it was not safe and dangerous. Of course, you turn that into scolding the paint. I'm surprised you didn't tell the paint to go to time-out!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago
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