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Big Girl Bedroom!
We have been preparing you to move into your big girl room for quite some time now. We didn't want you to feel as though you were being kicked out of your nursery to make room for the baby, so we started moving your toys upstairs and spent more and more time up there playing. You really were excited for it to become your "big girl room," and once we got everything moved, you were ready to sleep there!

I thought you were going to need to transition to your big girl room, so I had you take a few naps before sleeping there overnight. One problem. Your big girl bed is SO comfy and I would always fall asleep with you! Daddy didn't think that was helping in the transition, so I had to break that habit (though now that you're adjusted, I still sneak in a few minutes of shut-eye in your super-cozy bed).

Boy was I wrong! The first night in your big girl room was a HUGE success! You went to sleep with no issues and only woke up one time. You called for me because you were scared to come down the stairs by yourself, but once I came up to get you, you were fine. You just needed to potty! So after a mid-night potty break, you went back up to your big girl bed and slept there peacefully the rest of the night!
It only took you about a week to get comfortable coming downstairs by yourself. Now, whenever you have to go potty, you come down to go. Most of the time, you ask to snuggle with Mommy and Daddy at that point, and sometimes we let you! If it's after 6:00 a.m....we're all about the snuggles! Before 6:00 a.m? Back to your bed you go! This system has worked very well for us!
A little background on your bedroom furniture: your bed and dresser are antiques! They have been in Mommy's family for generations and before it was your bed, it was Auntie K's bed. Daddy refinished the bed and the dresser (it used to be a cherry color) and you are all set with furniture that looks brand-spankin' new! Your Daddy HATES clutter. In his opinion, if it isn't being used, it doesn't need to be in the house. Mommy's opinion, however, is that if the clutter (AKA "toys) is organized, then it's fine. So, we compromised. He designed and made a rolling trundle platform on which we've organized all of your toys. The design has worked very well so far, and you seem to completely understand that everything now has a place. In fact, this morning I put one of your puppets in the wrong bin, so you scolded me by saying, "Mommy! That doesn't go THERE. It goes HERE," and moved it to the proper bin!
Overall, you LOVE your big girl room! You're getting more and more comfortable with playing up there alone. We plan to get a video monitor to put up there so we can see what you're doing at all times because from what we HEAR, we know it's interesting and entertaining!
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