Last night you felt your baby brother move for the very first time. We were sitting on the couch snuggling before bedtime and you decided to sing Baby Phoenix a song. You were singing the ABC's and he started kicking around a little bit. I asked you if you want to feel Baby Phoenix move, and you excitedly said, "Yeah!" Now, you have tried to feel him move several times before, but your impatience caused you to give up before he did any noticeable kick. This time, however, he really did a huge kick/punch/roll that caused my whole belly to move. Shocked by this, you quickly moved your hand away and said, "Whoa!!! I felt that!" Then be both giggled and giggled. The realization that there is truly someone growing in my belly is becoming more and more real to you. I loved your reaction and loved that we shared that moment together.
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago