Friday, May 25, 2012

Phoenix's First Beach Excursion

Today we decided to tackle our first trip to the beach with Phoenix.  Since Papaw and Tessie are here visiting, we figured it would be a great time to go seeing as we had four additional hands to help!  Overall, it was a HUGE success!  Phoenix sat under an umbrella for the majority of our time there and only came out to eat and take a family photo.  Stella enjoyed having him there with us and occasionally checked in on him in between building sand castles and playing in the waves.  
Phoenix enjoyed the salty air!
First family photo on the beach!
 Funny story that made me flip - I was getting Stella's lunch out of the cooler.  I was holding her PB&honey sandwich, a bag of carrots, an orange, and a cheese stick when all of a sudden I felt flapping wings in my ear and perching on my head.  Before I realized what was happening, I saw a seagull fly away with the cheese stick in his beak!  The stinkin' bird stole it right out of my hand.  Needless to say, it gave me the heeby-jeebies and I was not happy.  Those seagulls have a LOT of gull...(haha).   

After our day at the beach, we came home to eat dinner and take naps before going back to the boardwalk to ride carnie rides, eat ice cream, and watch the fireworks.  Stella had SO MUCH FUN riding the rides.  I have to admit, I HATE carnie rides, but we couldn't turn her down when she saw all of the lights and excitement.  It was worth it to see her laugh and smile so much. 


Tessie rode the Pirate Ship ride with you!
What a fun dragon ride!
This is what he thinks about the carnie rides...

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